Fairport Brewing offers FREE EVENT Space on University
Published May 10, 2024 1291 Views
Free Event Space It was a covid response for survival, but it gave us a chance to shine! Our motto was and still is, there's no sense for charging, "We just want to quench your thirst". And the rest is history. you can scroll through our hundreds of testimonies, on our host an event page, and...
FBC is now shipping Mead almost everywhere!
Published April 11, 2023 2039 Views
We are so excited to announce that we are now shipping our mead almost everywhere! It took a while but we did it. So many rules to follow, but we navigated and were successful! When you think about all the things going on today post pandemic; things like labor shortage, supply chain issues, or j...
Honey Bees Remain a Critical Part of New York's Economy
Published July 7, 2022 2269 Views
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Much like humans, honeybees are vulnerable to drought and disease, but in the past 40 years, the issues have only grown. “Because of an invasive parasite called the viral mite which came in the late 1980s and we’re still battling that because it’s a tick-like parasite an...
New Releases Coming in July!
Published June 30, 2022 2208 Views
FBC is excited to announce the release of two new beers in July! The Queen's Curse will add to our line of sours with cherry and lime flavorings at 5.0% abv. Keep an eye out also for a new Imperial Stout with chocolate and coffee overtones. It's a big beer at 13.0% abv and packs quite a punch! S...
Introducing the FBC Eatery!
Published June 22, 2022 2795 Views
Introducing the FBC EATERY Ahhh finally Rochester! Something quite different. Something quite tasty, and something you won't feel bad about eating! A triple win for sure! Made from the best ingredients available and we're obsessed with it! Expect great, expect more, and expect lines....
New Fairport Brewing Eatery Hours (by location)
Published June 22, 2022 2427 Views
Well folks, a long time dream for Fairport Brewing Company....FOOD! FOOD Glorious FOOD! And it hasn't been easy. Covid has been tough, supply chain has been tough, prices have been tough and the labor market has been brutal. So let's talk about food! We launched Rochester NY's best gour...
Finding Fairport Brewing Company in Rochester NY
Published February 16, 2022 2561 Views
We hear it a lot. Where are you guys? Okay. From University turn into the parking lot at 1044 University Ave. You will go down an ally past other businesses and just keep going. We are the last business next to Roc Ventures. We are the last door on the right, it's a red door with our...
Rochester NY Brewery Space for Events
Published January 18, 2022 2855 Views
A really cool event space at Fairport Brewing Company's production facility located at 1044 University Ave, Rochester NY 14607. Have you every thought about a different kind of event space in Rochester for your event? We have a ton of it that can fit up to 249 people. It can be decked out or...
Craft Root Beer - Rattlesnake Pete's
Published January 3, 2022 2715 Views
Fairport Brewing Company, located in Rochester NY at 1044 University Ave making the best root beer! For years we have been making probably the best root beer in Rochester or the world for that matter but if you haven't tried it you wouldn't know, so here's a good reason to find us! If you lo...
Old Goat REALLY Hard Kombucha
Published January 3, 2022 2692 Views
Fairport Brewing Company (Rochester NY) Goes BIG with Shelf Stable Hard Kombucha Meet the Old Goat, Real Hard Kombucha! Weighing in a a whopping 9% ABV! Old Goat Hard Kombucha is the first of it's kind in this class. It is available in draft at the brewery and 12oz 4 packs for take home. It h...
Rochester NY's Brewery and Meadery
Published January 3, 2022 2808 Views
Fairport Brewing Company, Rochester’s Newest Meadery 1044 University Ave, Rocheser, NY 14607 ___________________________________________________________________________ ROCHESTER, NY (November 17th, 2021) – Fairport Brewing Company, one of New York’s first farm breweries, is thrilled to ann...
What FBC Beer Has the Least Calories?
Published August 28, 2020 4809 Views
Fairport Brewing Company in Rochester NY Delivers first in kind and perhaps the lightest craft beer in the country! The Crown Jewel Bucha Beer. Ok, you asked and we delivered... Let's start with the answer so we don't slow you down. It's called "The Crown Jewel" (Now Shelf Stable!) ...
Which Beer is Gluten Free?
Published August 28, 2020 3814 Views
Actually-all of our beers are "Gluten Reduced." That's right all bottles, cans and drafts are 100% Gluten Reduced. We don't say the words "Gl__ten Free" because we don't remove the gluten from the beer. Instead, we use an enzyme which is called 'claret' and it breaks down the gluten protein mo...
Fairport Brewing Company Launches Two Big Beers
Published November 9, 2019 4090 Views
Rochester, NY: Brewery News: Coming up this week Fairport Brewing Company in Rochester, NY will release two big beers! In its New England IPA series it's the "Mother Fluffer," and let's just say she is the Mother Fluffer of beers! So big the company is pre-selling T-Shirts with the slogan...
The Legend of the Fluff Continues with the release of the Mother Fluffer
Published November 7, 2019 3871 Views
The Legend of the Fluff Continues with the Mother Fluffer Rochester, NY: Fairport Brewing Company (1044 University Ave) prepares for the limited release of..... the MOTHER FLUFFER! A triple (3X) New England IPA. She's a hazy Mother Fluffer and she joins her son; Son of a Fluff, and the...
Gluten Reduced Beer
Published November 4, 2019 3512 Views
With so many people having gluten allergies, we decided to drop it out of every batch. We started a couple years ago, but never really talked about it. It's time. 100% of our beer, which is all made in Rochester NY is "gluten reduced" so don't hold back, give it a shot. Belo...
Rochester NY's One-Place for Beer and Kombucha
Published November 4, 2019 4572 Views
Fairport Brewing Company is brewing up a storm in Rochester, NY. Who would have known? After moving it's production facility to to a much larger (10,000 sq/ft ) facility at 1044 University Ave, Rochester, NY, and opening Rochester's newest tap room in 2018 things are really coming together. ...
Fairport Brewing Expansion
Published November 3, 2019 3670 Views
Upgrading the University locations Bar!
Published May 22, 2019 3498 Views
Please excuse the mess... We are just so excited to show you what we have been working on! Today the team has been building more of the bar, adding some support and aesthetics, while making our stage stand out! Yet there is always more to do... We are making moves! Stay tuned for some excited events...
FBC Cowtipper 5k 2019 - Time to Register!
Published May 15, 2019 3742 Views
Again, a little Fairport History here, imagine that. Cow Tipping in Fairport had to do with literally knocking over cows in their sleep. You see there is a common belief on yellow school buses that cows sleep standing up, so you can sneak up on them and with a big shove, you can knock them off balan...
Fairport Summer Hours
Published May 7, 2019 2643 Views
Summer is almost here, as yesterday's beautiful day attested. The Fairport Patio is now open and ready for you to relax with family and friends, enjoy a cold one, and listen to some great music. We are changing our hours for the season and are now open from 11am...
Let the Summer begin! Fairport's Patio is Open!
Published May 2, 2019 2664 Views
It's been a long time coming, but our patio is due to open this weekend! Grab your mugs, fill a pint and join us in welcoming summer back to Fairport! Join Bobby Rosato this Monday night, as he hosts Open Mic Night on the patio once again. A huge thanks to Lorraine Staunch, our wonderful...
Published September 21, 2018 3927 Views
Written on Friday 9/21/18 1:55am The Move! Is it over yet? Almost. It won't be over until we are serving 100% gluten reduced beer in Fairport. It's coming, we are stockpiling it, but we need a couple more batches to feel comfortable that when we do bring it back, we won't have to substitute again....
Mongo... Mango it is!
Published February 27, 2018 5733 Views
Beer Release this Wednesday! 2/28/18 And the naming decision has been made. It's called, "Mongo.... Mango", it's a mango milkshake IPA, it's manly and we kinda like it. And since you are actually reading this (if you are NOT a Mug Clubber) if you print (must be printed) this out and bring it to...
It's a No-Name Mango IPA !
Published February 27, 2018 4855 Views
Yes- it's true. A fruity mango brew waiting for a name and it's releasing on Wednesday. (Mug Clubbers?????? you know the deal......) It's a mango IPA milkshake, and we gave the naming rights to a movie producer from Fairport. His name is Declan O'Brien ('84) and unlike us losers, he has aWikiped...
Published February 17, 2018 3868 Views
Michele's Liquid Breakfast Honey Granola Imperial Stout How about a limited edition Michele's Liquid Breakfast Honey Granola Imperial Stout? A big beer with a long description, weighing in at 8% ABV on the Richter scale. This monster is made with Michele's Granola and "why the hell not" aged...
First Winners of #FBCmugshot Contest
Published February 1, 2018 3318 Views
And the Winner's Are..... January's Winners of the #FBCmugshot are the Latin Lovers Lighting it up on the lift bridge! Congratulations to Jon and Jen! Runner's up, Ground Hogs Day and the Crazy Eyes of Calypso! Not really in that order. We are just too lazy to rearrange. (In o...
The Olympic Lillis Story Continues
Published January 27, 2018 3428 Views
The story continues, here is the update Thank you to everyone who has already donated! It's a big deal when your kid gets on the Olympic Team, but it's a much bigger deal to see him be picked to be on TEAM USA and go to the Olympics. Donate to Team Lillis Every bit helps If you can spare an...
Twenty Really Cool Hats
Published January 25, 2018 4932 Views
Do you believe in win/wins? What about win/win/wins? We do, and here is how you can be a part of this. We are trying to raise money for the Lillis family trip to the Winter Olympics so they can watch their son/brother compete for the gold. It's our goal to raise $15k Not all Olympic ath...
Runners Mark Your Calendars
Published January 24, 2018 3965 Views
The unofficial date for the upcoming Cow Tipper 5k is going to be.....May 26th! 9 am starting and finishing at the Tap Room. Now we have to jump thru the hoops. Police, Village, State, Federal, the United Nations etc... AND we have to get the award-winning design done so we can get that cool garb t...