Another Run, Walk, or Crawl 5K?

We had such a great time this past fall with the first annual Scum Jumper Run, Walk, Crawl or Swim 5k, we have decided we're going to do another one in the spring. You know....because it's really about some cool running garb with some funky art that you are going to get.

It shall be called.... the first annual Run Walk or Crawl Cow Tipper 5k!

Again, a little Fairport History here, imagine that. Cow Tipping in Fairport had to do with literally knocking over cows in their sleep. You see there is a common belief on yellow school buses that cows sleep standing up, so you can sneak up on them and with a big shove, you can knock them off balance. This probably ranks right up there with smoke shifters, but there are a lot of middle aged guys around here who probably tried to do it. Just ask! This spring we will celebrate cow tippers with the Cow Tipper 5K. Dates tbd, but we promise there will be some awesome garb, beer and Timbucha kombucha at the finish line. More to come...